Why TF is she blogging?

Seriouslylauran/ May 14, 2020/ Uncategorized

I fucking hate people who love media that sensationalizes violent crime, and by hate, I mean it’s a pet peeve of mine that is next to inescapable considering that most humans won’t experience a violent crime–at least not the kind that led to me writing this blog. My best friend, one of the most perfect humans in the world, is one of those people who loves murder podcasts, and I don’t hate her for that. I guess I’m jealous that I can’t also be in that group of people who finds someone else’s horrific traumas entertaining and a means to fuel my morbid curiosity. The way that tales of violence are cannibalized by people who have little relation to the victims of that violence is foreign to me despite the fact that I too used to

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